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November Self Love Challenge


It's almost Halloween already!! Can you believe it? When I think about Halloween my head starts spinning- I have to make this special for the boys (which under the certain circumstances proves to be a little harder) but then Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner- and I haven't even started shopping yet!!!!!

Don't do this to yourselves!! Take on this November self love challenge with me!! Take a little time for yourself daily to take care of yourself so that your body and mind are healthy going into the holiday season.

How does this work? Do these in any order at all- and let me know how it goes!

Start a journal– An art journal, a bullet journal, a photo journal. Whichever kind you choose, write down how you feel throughout this challenge or use it to explore how you’ve been feeling lately.

Create a go-to happy playlist– You know that song that can play anywhere at any time and instantly put you in a good mood? Find more like it and build a playlist.

Take a walk– Too cold? Take a walk. Raining? Take a walk. Not enough time? Take a walk. Whether it’s an hour-long hike or 5 minutes around the block. Get some fresh air.

Go somewhere new– It doesn’t have to be far. It can be as easy as taking a different route home from work or the grocery store. Or, better yet, trying a new grocery store! The possibilities are endless.

Create a list of everything you love– Go crazy. It doesn’t matter how small or silly it is. Write it down. You can’t not smile when you’re making this type of list.

Turn off Notifications ALL day– You’d be surprised how often you forget about social media when your phone isn’t dinging every 5 minutes. It’s honestly a relief.

Call a friend or loved one– Make time to catch up with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, or maybe it’s someone you talk to often. Whatever the case, give ’em a ring.

Spend your night with a good book– It’s time to pick up that book you’ve been dying to start and spend the night getting lost in it. Chances are it will be easier to pick up the next night too when you can’t put it down.

Treat yourself to ice cream– Or another of your favorite desserts. You deserve it. Whether it’s eating straight out of the Ben and Jerry’s container at home or a DQ blizzard, treat yo’ self.

Spend time with good company– I know how easy it is to hibernate for the weekend, but it’s hard to be stressed when you’re surrounded by your friends or family. Host a game night, go to a movie, or head out for a drink. I guarantee you’ll be glad you did it.

Cook your favorite meal– Whether it’s something your grandma used to make you at home or a copy-cat dish from Olive Garden-Try and replicate it. It’s surprising what a home cooked meal can do to a person’s mood.

Have a self-care night– Make a homemade facial, paint your toes, or meditate. However you choose to spend the night, make sure everything you do is benefiting your mental well being.

No tech/screen day– While there are plenty of ways technology benefits us, it’s also very toxic when you become absorbed in it. Resist the urge to pick up the phone and scroll today. Turn off the TV and computer (unless required by your job, of course) and live in the present

Write someone a letter– Don’t let pen and paper die. I guarantee you can name at least one person in your life whose day you’d make if you’d send them a good ol’ fashioned card or letter. If you refuse to go out and buy a stamp, write your future-self a letter.

Buy yourself flowers– Or a succulent if plants don’t live long under your care (guilty). I mean seriously who doesn’t get excited about plants? Instant mood booster.

Bake something—And eat it too- Even if you suck at baking, do it anyway. Fresh baked goods can brighten anyone’s day and it’s pretty darn fun if you ask me. Don’t forget to share your creation afterwards.

Spend the morning at a coffee shop– Or another relaxing place. One thing I love is bringing a sketchpad to a coffee shop and spending hours there. Add in some rain and I believe that’s a perfect morning.

Clean your space– Your house is supposed to be a haven-Somewhere you can go to escape work and the outside world. If your space is unorganized and messy you won’t be able to put your feet up when you get home. Spend today power cleaning. Remember that happy playlist? Now would be a good time to blast that.

Do absolutely nothing– Most of you are thinking, “Well, I do that a lot”. But do you? Do you ever just sit there on the couch and mindlessly binge on snacks and Netflix WITHOUT letting your mind wander and worry about all the things you should be doing? Clear your head.

Take a bath– Light some candles, grab a book or a relaxing playlist and put your feet up. Fun Fact: I’ve never used a bath bomb and you better believe today is the day.

Go out for a 3 course meal– Think of it as a precursor to your Thanksgiving meal tomorrow or celebration of having tomorrow off. Grab a friend or your SO and eat. If your budget isn’t allowing this kind of night out, make it a night in! 

Write down everything you’re grateful for– I figured this would be relatively easy and appropriate for today. Stop, look around you, and think about everything you have in your life. The people, the food, the home, the clothes on your back. It’s a good life.

Clean out your closet– Whether you went out shopping at 5 AM or not, it’s time to clean out the closet. Donate anything you don’t love or don’t feel like a boss in. From there, you can work on filling your wardrobe with pieces that reflect you and your personality. Yes, I have read “The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up” and so should you.

Buy yourself a new outfit If you didn’t already do this yesterday, today’s your day. You cleaned out your clothes and deserve one killer outfit. I never said it has to be expensive either (I’m big fan of thrifting and the Target clearance rack).

Write down 3 goals you’d like to achieve in the upcoming year– Sometimes this can be scary to do for fear we won’t accomplish them. Start small. When you’re finished, hang it on your bulletin board or on the fridge- Somewhere you’ll see it often.

Try something new– Try a new hobby, a new Netflix show, or a new take-out restaurant. Just make sure it’s a brand new experience.

Eat healthy all day– No cinnamon roll for breakfast or easy drive-through food for lunch. Fill your stomach with nutritious meals and plenty of vegetables. Oh, and drink lots of water today.

Create something– Draw. Build. Cook. Write. You don’t have to make it into a big project, heck, it doesn’t even have to be good. Just make and have fun doing it. Macaroni art will never die.

Find time to exercise– Dance in your kitchen while making dinner or do a few sit-ups during commercial breaks. Just find a little time in the day to do something that you definitely won’t regret. If you do this everyday, it will become a habit.

Take a selfie– You’ve made it through this challenge. Congrats. Let’s celebrate by seeing that smiling face after taking time out every day for a month to spend on yourself. 

Here is to having a kick-ass November!





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